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philadelphia church international

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Philadelphia Church International

A multinational bilingual church with services in Russian and English

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We pray you Lord
| Poems | Blog
We pray you Lord  And ask for fire  Reveal your gifts  As You desire
The music of your fountain
| Poems | Blog
The music of your fountain  The beauty of your grass The fragrance of your presence  I see through turbid glass
Always trying to be good
| Poems | Blog
Always trying to be good  To reflect the Godly essence  In reality I hardly  could  To be perfect in His presence 
Blessed Names
| Poems | Blog
What name shall we give  That our babes may live  A life of good deeds  As God’s fruitful seeds 
You Are Faithful
| Poems | Blog
Are Faithful You   Circumstances come causing shock, confusion and disbelief Anger, wild thoughts and panic pour into heart and mind like a flood
The purpose of the Christian church of and God's plan for it.
| Sermons | Blog
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all i...
I Need Revival
| Poems | Blog
I need Your light to shine in me,   I need to meet you face to face.  I need the rocks to break within my heart,   I need You to fill their place.
Cry of my Spirit
| Poems | Blog
There is a cry from deep within, Directed to Your throne. My spirit crying out for mercy In darkness and alone.
| Poems | Blog
May we drink all you are giving From the well of water living So we will never be coerced In future by ego or thirst
Drowning Souls
| Poems | Blog
How painful to watch drowning souls In their labyrinth of destiny Realise they are beyond reach Of achieving salvation’s goals
How Can We Comprehend Your Love?
| Poems | Blog
How can we comprehend Your love? Words inadequate we invest To express the intricate essence Of Your presence within our breast
The Groom (Dedicated to Pastor Taysa Kotov)
| poems | Blog
She stands at the altar in white As the Groom quick steps into sight He calls out loud ‘Where is my bride’ She whispers soft ‘Here by Your side’.
Martyrs for Christ
| poems | Blog
We are free to be reconciled Through the sacrifice of our Lord  As on the Cross He was reviled While His blood spilt for our reward 
| poems | Blog
We are Your disciples Jesus From the beginning You chose us Your spirit calls us zealously To the path of love You guard jealously
Heir to a Heavenly Land
| poems | Blog
Heir to a heavenly land Where lives a great power May I admire the crown That lies at His right hand And prepare for the hour When with Him I sit down
Find out more about

Philadelphia Church International

Philadelphia Church is a non-denominational charismatic apostolic church. We believe in the Trinity of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit and study the whole Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.

The church was founded in London in 1995 according to the miraculous power of the prophetic word of God. The church is multinational with members from different countries speaking different languages. All the services are bilingual: English and Russian.

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