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Always trying to be good

Always trying to be good

| Poems

Always trying to be good 
To reflect the Godly essence 
In reality I hardly  could 
To be perfect in His presence 

Blessed Names

Blessed Names

| Poems

What name shall we give 
That our babes may live 
A life of good deeds 
As God’s fruitful seeds 

You Are Faithful

You Are Faithful

| Poems

Are Faithful You


Circumstances come causing shock, confusion and disbelief

Anger, wild thoughts and panic pour into heart and mind like a flood

The purpose of the Christian church of and God's plan for it.

The purpose of the Christian church of and God's plan for it.

| Sermons

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (Ephesians 1:22-23) 

I Need Revival

I Need Revival

| Poems

I need Your light to shine in me,  
I need to meet you face to face. 
I need the rocks to break within my heart,  
I need You to fill their place.